New Baby Limo...
Bringing your new baby home from the hospital is a big occasion and you will only get one chance to enjoy it because before you know it baby will be up and about, walking, talking and driving themselves!
Therefore, make baby's trip home from the hospital special and memorable by hiring a limo to get your little family home safely.
When a new baby arrives, all you want to do is hold it, look at it and fuss over it, therefore, hiring a limo to take baby home from the hospital gives both parents a chance to dote on their new family member. Also, since no one has to worry about driving, your newly expanded family has time to spend together while enjoying the comfort, style and space of the chauffeur driven limousine.
Also, since you have so much space in the back of your limousine on the way home from the hospital, you will easily be able to change baby's nappy if you need to too. Or, if baby is sleeping when you leave the hospital, the long wheelbase of the limousine will absorb all of the undulations in the road on the way home, ensuring a quiet ride for all.
When booking your baby limousine, if you mention to the limo hire company that you are hiring their limo to take your new baby home from the hospital, they will even be able to organise streamers and �It's a Girl' or �It's a Boy' banners inside the limousine for your special celebrations.
When leaving hospital after having a baby, you will be weak and wanting to rest. This is why many new mothers hire a taxi to take them home from the hospital. However, if you hire a limousine to take you and your new baby home from the hospital, you will only pay slightly more but you will also receive piece of mind, a professional and polite chauffeur and the knowledge that no one else has ridden in the limousine except you, as limousines are cleaned and detailed before picking up each client.
Please feel free to contact us for more information about the types of limousines available for when you are taking your new baby home from the hospital.