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Greek Wedding Traditions

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Greek Wedding Traditions...

If you are planning your wedding day, you may be wondering if you need to honour the traditions of you and your partner's families. Well, this is up to you, however, the traditions of Greek weddings are very meaningful and help to show the bride and groom's love and support for each other and their friends and family.

Traditionally Greek brides wear veils of yellow or red to represent fire. These bright colours were thought to protect the bride from evil spirits. On her wedding day, a Greek bride would carry a lump of sugar to ensure a sweet life, or a piece of ivy which represents endless love. The Greek Orthodox celebrations include a very formal celebration of the engagement. Traditionally the bride will wear her engagement ring on her right hand until the ceremony when she moves it to her left.

Greek weddings generally take place on a Sunday with the week before filled with greeting family and friends and preparing for the big day. For example, on the Friday before, the �filling of the sacks' takes places where the bride's mother places a copper pan in a sack and the bride must fill this and other sacks with all of her belongings while her family and friends throw coins in amongst her things.

While the bride is doing this, the groom is sending pitchers of wine to his friends in the village to invite them to the wedding. The bride's father does the same thing for their side, while the bride goes out into the town on the Saturday before the wedding with sweets to give to her friends as invitations to her wedding.

Then on the day of the wedding ceremony, the groom asks the bride's father for his daughter's hand. The couple are then accompanied to the church by the best man. Both the best man and the priest are in charge of the ceremony. The best man is responsible for placing a gold crown or wreath made of orange blossoms on the head of the bride and groom, each linked by a silk ribbon.

A traditional Greek wedding reception is filled with eating, drinking, dancing and singing. Guests also smash dishes on the floor as a sign of good luck.

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