London Limo Hire Prices...
High emissions vehicles in the UK, and especially in London are highly taxed and regulated, and as more and more vehicles make their way onto the roads, it can only get worse right? Well, in the budget released in March 2008, Chancellor Alistair Darling has made some moderate adjustments but nothing which is going to trouble limo hire company fleets to the point of extinction.
The Chancellor has announced that his proposed two pence increase in fuel duty will be postponed until October this year, because of the 19% percent rise petrol prices have already seen in the last twelve months. However, looking into the future, from 2010 fuel duty will rise by half a pence and an overhaul of vehicle excise duty will start in 2009. Beyond 2010 the lowest polluting vehicles will pay zero road tax, while the higher emissions vehicles will pay more.
So while the fight is still on against high emissions cars, there has been a reprieve in price rises for a few years at least. However, the Chancellor also announced that he has set aside funding for road pricing proposals and has invited tenders to develop pay-per-mile charging.
Unfortunately taxes are one of the few things we can be certain of, especially in business, however, with the delay in the rise of some prices and taxes, limo hire companies have valuable time to work out how to make their fleets of limousines low emissions. With lowering emissions such an important issue, it is no surprise that governments and ministers are doing everything they can to make sure we take the changes and options seriously.
So while some limo hire companies may be putting off converting their existing limos to more friendly fuels, and researching options and advancements in hybrid limousines, time is running out.
To find out more about hiring a limousine with low or zero emissions in your area, contact Limo Broker now.