The Latest Deals Nationwide.
Check this site regularly for up-to-the-minute cancellation deals on top quality limos. You'll have to be quick to pick up a bargain though; we offer heavily discounted rates on cancellation vehicles and they don't hang around for long...
Going to a School Prom? Book your Prom Car now, selected vehicles still available for 25th and 26th July and 3rd July nationwide. They're booking up at the speed of light though, so if you have a special occasion on these dates don't delay, call now and secure the chariot of your choice.
All of our vehicles are heavily booked out for Royal Ascot but we've literally just received a cancellation on a Yellow 8 wheeler Hummer and a 12 Seater Jeep for the occasion. They are available nationwide with a full package included for your enjoyment. Put your name down for one of these sensational rides now and secure your limo to the biggest horse racing event of the year!
Ferrari Limo anyone?! This cracking vehicle is available at a cut price rate for last minute availability - ideal for School Proms, Hen and Stag do's, sporting events including horse racing, Royal Ascot, Football and many more.
How do you fancy a spin to one of the F.A Cup matches in a top spec limo? We still have 8 wheeler hummers and Baby Bentley limos available in Manchester and Liverpool for the Semi Finals. Bookings for the Semi's are going through the roof, so get in now or you'll be catching a very sad looking bus to the match instead - don't let that happen, call us now!