Extreme Limo Hire in Luxury Saabs
Saab is known for producing luxury cars with a little bit of extra spice and that is usually because they have more power and speed than your average luxury car. Of course where there is something extra, there is generally also someone who will try to push past that extra power and speed, to see what can really be done.
Well luckily Saabs also have a sense of fun and have recently been involved in an ice race on a frozen lake in the north of Sweden. Three black, turbocharged Saabs were brought out to the chosen race site for the ice races, which are billed as being just as adrenaline pumping as regular blacktop racing, but without the same consequences.
Ice racing with a team of Saabs and their experienced drivers involves careful manipulation of the handbrake and knowing just how to utilise the ABS to allow for smooth corners around obstacles, rather than through them. The Saab ice racing drivers have varying backgrounds, not surprisingly though some include rally driving.
The ice racing is just one part of the Ice Experience which includes two days in the cold, cold snow and ice watching, riding and playing with fast cars. And it is not just the Saabs which enjoy a run around on the ice, many car companies head up north to test their new models in the uniquely extreme conditions.
The Ice Experience also includes accommodation in the Ice Hotel which is re-carved every year when the previous year's design has melted away. The ice driving course is also taken very seriously and Saab spend months preparing the lake's surface to be as slippery as possible and watering it smooth out any bumps.
This is the ultimate male bonding experience as you can enjoy fast, luxury cars in extreme conditions, and still know it is much safer than if you were driving around a normal racetrack. Of course, minus 45 degree temperatures may not be your style, regardless of how many Arctic sleeping bags you're given, so for something a little warmer but just as much fun, contact Limo Broker now.