Chauffeurs on Camera...
Some people are always on the lookout for their big break, others are just looking for a way to earn a little extra money. Whichever type of chauffeur you are, you could be driving your way onto the big or small screen.
There is a lot of call for limousines and chauffeurs in TV series' and movies and it is a great way for chauffeurs to earn money from an easy run, or take the chance and hope they are discovered. For example, a TV series may need a chauffeur and limousine for their characters to ride in on screen. Or a reality TV show may need your limousine and chauffeur services to transport their contestants.
Sometimes, there is even call for just the limousine to appear on screen, and in these cases the chauffeur will drop off their limousine, hand it over to a studio representative who takes care of it, and the chauffeur is free to wait around on set to pick up their �star'. In this case the limo hire company hires out the limousine and chauffeur as though they were hiring to real passengers, while instead, the limousine simply sits on the set, is part of a few shots, or rolls through a scene.
This is a great day out for the limousine and the chauffeur, not only because they get to be famous, but also because there is little fuel used, little wear and tear on the limousine and little cleaning up to do in the limo after a day of �acting'.
Some limo hire companies even work hard to create networks and contacts within the film and TV industries because they want to secure more of this kind of work. It is an avenue which not many other limo hire companies would have thought about, plus, it gets your limo hire company name out there, your limos on screen, and people wondering - and hopefully enquiring - about where their favourite TV show got their limos from.