Advice While Waiting for Licensing...
We all know the American economy is not in a very healthy state right now, we can see that in the exchange rates of the US$. Unfortunately when an economy is struggling the first thing to be hit is the luxuries and this means the US limo hire companies are looking for ways to stay busy and in business without losing their remaining customers.
Therefore many US limo hire companies keep their advertising and marketing cranking and their offices open but call in the agreements they have made with partner limo hire companies and send any work they get, out to these partners.
Limo hire companies make sure agreements for times when they are too busy to send a limo for a last minute job or when something goes wrong and they need another limo hire company to pick up their passengers. However when business is slow, a limo hire company can take their limos off the road and reduce their cost considerably without disappointing their passengers.
The limo hire company has made these agreements after extensive checking of their partner company for quality and reliability so they know their passengers will be looked after. They will also get a percentage of the hire price so they can keep their operations up and running until there is more business around.
Limo hire companies also share their passenger leads with other limo hire companies while they are starting up as often all of the necessary licensing can take several months to come through so while the limo hire company can't transport passengers itself, it can start forging a professional relationship with partner companies.
When a limo hire company is started there are a lot of set up costs to deal with before you start making any money so being able to pass passengers off to an established limo hire company and still make a percentage of the hire cost gives a new limo hire company a kick start while it is waiting on its licensing to be issued, as well as building important business relationships for the future.